Friday, September 5, 2008

Meet Our Little Girl (July 21-Aug)

Ella was born on July 21, 2008 at 1:06 p.m. at Clarian North. She was 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. Ella was very alert immediately after delivery. She was looking around and checking out the world while getting her first i hear. Unfortunately I was laying in bed recovering from the worst 3 hours ever. Pushing for 3 hours was a little torturous. Miss Ella was sporting a cone head for the first 2 days due to having to use the sucker device during delivery. However, She's perfect now. Enjoy some pictures of Ella's first 7 weeks of life:)

Ella and her yucky little head after delivery.

Heading home after a two day hospital stay.

The happy family!

Ella's face and head are swollen from being in the birth canal for so long. Poor little girl.
Ella sporting her tie-dye that Doug and Sunny got her....Pretty Cute!
Grandma and Grandpa Staton

I came into the room and found Ella and Corey sleeping like this. HOW CUTE. Ella sleeps just like Corey with her arms above her head.

Hanging out with Ella Bug

Ella's first bath. Corey and I were really scared. We were freaking out because she was shivering. HAHA

This is Ella's nice new beautiful SWEET PEACE swing that grandma Tammy's book club bought her....WELL she hates it. $160 to waste!!!!

Ella's new bed.....the only place she'll sleep.

My favorite picture of Ella. This is her favorite place to be at this time. She loves to look out the big picture window.

Ella's beautiful bed where she won't

Ella loves her changing table. She always coo's and smiles when we change her. We put her baby Mozart CD on and she loves it. If you notice Ella is grow a nice FRO on the top of her head.

When I get ready in the mornings I put her on the counter top. I think she was trying to get my attention. She is already showing her panties at the young age of 6 weeks.

I got out of the shower and this is how I found Ella. She is looking extremely bored in this picture...Pretty Funny!

As you can tell Ella is growing like crazy. She is 22 1/2 inches long now. She is a tall baby. Looking cute as always.

Dr. Campbell got a little taste of the baby life. Ella took a doo doo on his shirt. I just finished bragging on how pampers swaddlers are the best diapers ever. HAHA! Congrats Andy and Sam on finding out you're having a little girl. I am so happy for you both.

Great Grandma Lou holding little Ella. We are so lucky to still have her in our lives.

I introduced Ella to her play gym from Kev and Karen. I don't think she's ready for it yet. She didn't know what look at first. We'll try it again in about a month.

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