Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our little girl is moving fast!!!!

We found Miss Ella like this one morning. This is what started the scary yet fun activity of rolling over.

We love our sleepy little girl!

Ella sleeping on her Great Aunt Debbie.

Miss Ella is growing up quickly. She is sitting up like a big girl.

Trying to hold her bottle all by herself. This is actually beginning to be more of a hassle than a help. She is consistently pushing or pulling the bottle away from us. How Cute!

Ella watching football with her daddy! My two favorite people......

Sweet little Ella!!!!! Ella is started falling asleep with at least two fingers in her mouth. Her poor little fingers are beginning to look red and irritated. BOO

Ella and Grandma Tammy

Great Grandpa Staton

Ella hanging out with her cousin Bree
Ella chillin with Miss Jackie
Grandpa Staton
Sleepy Girl

We love you Carrie!
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